CREATE TABLE score_categories ( score_category_id smallint NOT NULL, league_id int NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL, value int NOT NULL, UNIQUE (league_id, name), CONSTRAINT score_categories_pk PRIMARY KEY (score_category_id) ); SELECT league_id AS nfl_league_id FROM leagues where name = 'NFL' LIMIT 1 \gset INSERT INTO score_categories (score_category_id, league_id, name, value) VALUES (1, :nfl_league_id, 'Win', 1); INSERT INTO score_categories (score_category_id, league_id, name, value) VALUES (2, :nfl_league_id, 'Playoffs', 5); INSERT INTO score_categories (score_category_id, league_id, name, value) VALUES (3, :nfl_league_id, 'Divisional', 5); INSERT INTO score_categories (score_category_id, league_id, name, value) VALUES (4, :nfl_league_id, 'Conference', 10); INSERT INTO score_categories (score_category_id, league_id, name, value) VALUES (5, :nfl_league_id, 'Superbowl', 10); INSERT INTO score_categories (score_category_id, league_id, name, value) VALUES (6, :nfl_league_id, 'Champion', 5); CREATE TABLE scores ( score_id bigint NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, season_id bigint NOT NULL, team_id integer NOT NULL, game int NOT NULL, score_category_id smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, scored_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), modified_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), UNIQUE (season_id, team_id, game, score_category_id), CONSTRAINT scores_pk PRIMARY KEY (score_id), CONSTRAINT scores_seasons_fk FOREIGN KEY (season_id) REFERENCES seasons(season_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT scores_teams_fk FOREIGN KEY (team_id) REFERENCES teams(team_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT scores_score_categories_fk FOREIGN KEY (score_category_id) REFERENCES score_categories(score_category_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION record_score(team_id int, game int, season_id int, score_category_id int, scored_at timestamptz) RETURNS int LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE new_score_id integer; BEGIN INSERT INTO scores(season_id, team_id, game, score_category_id, scored_at) VALUES (season_id, team_id, game, score_category_id, scored_at) ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT scores_season_id_team_id_game_score_category_id_key DO UPDATE SET modified_at = NOW(), scored_at = EXCLUDED.scored_at RETURNING score_id INTO new_score_id; RETURN new_score_id; END; $$; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW season_scores AS WITH score_totals AS ( SELECT scores.season_id, scores.team_id,, sum(value) AS total FROM scores JOIN score_categories sc USING(score_category_id) GROUP BY scores.season_id, scores.team_id, ) SELECT st.season_id,, array_agg( || ': ' || ORDER BY DESC) AS scores FROM teams LEFT JOIN score_totals st USING(team_id) GROUP BY st.season_id,; -- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW draft_scores AS -- WITH season_scores AS ( -- SELECT -- season_id, -- team_id, -- coalesce(SUM(value), 0)::smallint AS total -- FROM -- scores -- JOIN score_categories ON category_id = score_categories.score_category_id -- GROUP BY -- season_id, -- team_id -- ) -- SELECT -- season_id, -- draft_id, -- team, -- player, -- coalesce(win, 0) AS win, -- playoffs, -- divisional, -- conference, -- superbowl, -- champion, -- coalesce(total, 0) AS total -- FROM -- draft_picks -- LEFT OUTER JOIN season_scores USING (team_id);