path: root/.vimrc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.vimrc')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/.vimrc b/.vimrc
index 3fd2ba5..a3db86d 100644
--- a/.vimrc
+++ b/.vimrc
@@ -236,24 +236,38 @@ nmap <leader>bq :bp <BAR> bd #<CR>
colorscheme base16-tomorrow-night
-" ALE
-let g:ale_fixers = {
-\ '*': ['remove_trailing_lines', 'trim_whitespace'],
-\ 'javascript': ['eslint'],
-\ 'ruby': ['rubocop'],
-let g:ale_set_balloons=1
-" Set the executable for ALE to call to get Solargraph
-" up and running in a given session
-let g:ale_ruby_solargraph_executable = 'solargraph'
-let g:ale_ruby_solargraph_options = {}
-let g:ale_completion_enabled = 1
" Load all plugins now.
" Plugins need to be added to runtimepath before helptags can be generated.
" Load all of the helptags now, after plugins have been loaded.
" All messages and errors will be ignored.
silent! helptags ALL
+function! s:on_lsp_buffer_enabled() abort
+ setlocal omnifunc=lsp#complete
+ setlocal signcolumn=yes
+ if exists('+tagfunc') | setlocal tagfunc=lsp#tagfunc | endif
+ nmap <buffer> gd <plug>(lsp-definition)
+ nmap <buffer> gs <plug>(lsp-document-symbol-search)
+ nmap <buffer> gS <plug>(lsp-workspace-symbol-search)
+ nmap <buffer> gr <plug>(lsp-references)
+ nmap <buffer> gi <plug>(lsp-implementation)
+ nmap <buffer> gD <plug>(lsp-type-definition)
+ nmap <buffer> <leader>rn <plug>(lsp-rename)
+ nmap <buffer> [g <plug>(lsp-previous-diagnostic)
+ nmap <buffer> ]g <plug>(lsp-next-diagnostic)
+ nmap <buffer> K <plug>(lsp-hover)
+ nnoremap <buffer> <expr><c-f> lsp#scroll(+4)
+ nnoremap <buffer> <expr><c-d> lsp#scroll(-4)
+ let g:lsp_format_sync_timeout = 1000
+ autocmd! BufWritePre *.rs,*.go call execute('LspDocumentFormatSync')
+ " refer to doc to add more commands
+augroup lsp_install
+ au!
+ " call s:on_lsp_buffer_enabled only for languages that has the server registered.
+ autocmd User lsp_buffer_enabled call s:on_lsp_buffer_enabled()
+augroup END