path: root/src/web/dispatcher.zig
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/web/dispatcher.zig')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/web/dispatcher.zig b/src/web/dispatcher.zig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77ea282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/web/dispatcher.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+pub const Dispatcher = struct {
+ app: *App,
+ // whether to try loading the user or not, this implies requires_user = false
+ load_user: bool = true,
+ // whether a user is required. When false, if we have a token, the user is still
+ // loaded (unless load_user = false).
+ requires_user: bool = false,
+ pub fn dispatch(self: *const Dispatcher, action: httpz.Action(*Env), req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
+ const app = self.app;
+ var env = Env{
+ .app = app,
+ };
+ // defer env.deinit();
+ //
+ try self.doDispatch(action, req, res, &env);
+ }
+ fn doDispatch(_: *const Dispatcher, action: httpz.Action(*Env), req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response, env: *Env) !void {
+ const query = try req.query();
+ const user = try loadUser(env.app, query.get("user"));
+ if (user) |u| {
+ env.user = u;
+ std.debug.print("user: {}, {s}\n", .{ u.id, u.username });
+ }
+ try action(env, req, res);
+ }
+fn loadUser(app: *App, optional_session_id: ?[]const u8) !?User {
+ const session_id = optional_session_id orelse return null;
+ var user: User = undefined;
+ const row = try app.pool.row("SELECT user_id, username FROM users WHERE user_id = $1", .{session_id});
+ if (row) |r| {
+ user = try r.to(User, .{});
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return try User.init(app.allocator, user.id, user.username);
+const httpz = @import("httpz");
+const std = @import("std");
+const App = @import("../app.zig").App;
+const User = @import("../User.zig");
+const Env = @import("../env.zig").Env;